Alexander Koziell-Pipe
Computer Science PhD Candidate
University of Oxford

I am a highly motivated Computer Science PhD student at the University of Oxford, conducting research at the exciting frontier of Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, and Quantum Computing. Please find some of my current projects below.



Quantum Machine Learning with String Diagrams


I am developing a formal framework for hybrid quantum-classical machine learning algorithms using a branch of pure mathematics called category theory.

This helps with the design of programming languages for these hybrid algorithms, as well as bringing to bear techniques from both machine learning and quantum computing to improve these hybrid algorithms.

A nice feature of category theory allows us to draw quantum machine learning algorithms as diagrams that, while still being mathematically rigorous, are incredibly intuitive!

Optimizing Quantum Circuits with Reinforcement Learning and Graph Neural Networks


I am exploring the application of reinforcement learning and graph neural networks to optimize quantum circuits.

Optimizing quantum circuits is crucial for advancing the efficiency and scalability of quantum computing, directly impacting its practical applications in fields such as cryptography, drug discovery, and materials science. I am working as part of a small team to try to leverage machine learning to improve the optimization process. This involves the use of graph neural networks, which capitalize on the graph-like structure inherent to circuits, as well as reinforcement learning, in which a machine learning agent learns through interacting with and exploring an environment.

Interactive Theorem Proving for Graphical Languages


I am an active contributor to the Chyp project. Chyp (pronounced "chip") is an interactive theorem prover for symmetric monoidal categories (SMCs).

SMCs, along with string diagrams (their formal graphical syntax), have found exciting applications in areas including Quantum Computing, Machine Learning and Quantum Natural Language Processing.


Key Roles

Representative of the Quantum Foundations Research Cluster, Wolfson College, Oxford


"Are error correcting codes built into the laws of the universe?"

"What is the connection between Quantum Mechanics and Contemporary Music?"

These are some of the questions we ask in the Quantum Foundations Research Cluster at Wolfson College, Oxford, where brilliant minds from a range of academic backgrounds come together to discuss the 'big' questions about the universe in an exciting interdisciplinary atmosphere.

Co-organizer of The ZX Seminar Series


The ZX-calculus is a graphical language leading the way for the next generation of quantum software.

I co-organize the weekly ZX seminar, which provides a virtual venue for researchers to share their work related to the ZX calculus.



I've loved sport throughout my life, and am a avid skiier, windsurfer, and tennis player, among many others.

From motivating me to look after my health, to stress relief, to allowing me to discover some of the best friends I've ever met, participating in sport has had a profound impact on my life.

One of my core values is to help bring this positive impact to others, no matter how small and in whatever way I can. Having twice been Men's Captain of Oxford University Gymnastics team, it has brought me a lot of joy to help people grow from complete beginners in the sport to competing in university tournaments at a national level.